Xリーグとメディアが選出する2024年度のX1 SuperのAll-X League “Class of 2024’’にSEKISUIチャレンジャーズの選手が3名選出されました。
DB Tra’Vaughn Craig選手
WR Boogie Knight選手
QB Garrett Safron選手


  • DB 0番 Tra’Vaughn Craig選手からの受賞コメント
    Challengers nation!I appreciate all of your love and support throughout the entire season. It has been amazing to see all of you show up to the games cheering loud.
    The most special moment to me was hearing your chants against Fujitsu. Even though we fell short of our goals you stayed positive the whole time, and made sure we knew you were by our side.
    I promise to work harder for you and the team to give you the outcome you deserve.
    See you next season!⁡チャレンジャーズファンの皆様!


  • WR 1番 Boogie Knight選手からの受賞コメント
    ⁡Thank you for your amazing support throughout the season, you guys are the best.
    Your support and energy at the games means a lot to me and the team, it helps motivate us on game days when we see many challengers fans in the stands.



  • QB 8番 Garrett Safron選手からの受賞コメント
    ⁡I’m incredibly humbled to receive the All-X League QB recognition. I want to give full credit to my team—this wouldn’t have been possible without you all.
    I’m very thankful for your support and proud to represent the Challengers family!
    Go Challengers!

    All XLeague QBとして選出され、身の引き締まる思いです。私が受賞できたのもチーム全員のおかげです。皆がいなければ成し遂げることは出来ませんでした。
    Go Challengers!


XリーグのHP:【All-X1 Super】X1 SuperのAll-X League ‘‘Class of 2024‘’が決定:富士通WRサマジー・グラント選手がMVPに 新人賞にはノジマ相模原のWRテイ・カニンガム選手